Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Popular Garden Statues

Earthtools Garden Statues have a great selection of popular garden statues on their web site.
Garden statues are finished in cement marble composite, which is a mix of crushed Carrera marble and cement. This finish is far superior to concrete statues. All garden statues are finished by hand with very minimal joint lines. Available in White, Patonata (antiqued) colours.

David Michelangelo Statue

Possibly the most popular garden statue available, the famous sculpture by Michelangelo of David.

Height 160cm
Available looking over right or left shoulder.
£846 - FREE UK Delivery

Four Seasons Statues
Always popular, this set of four seasons statues with plinths are available in different sizes and styles.
Pictured below are human figure versions depicting autumn, winter, spring and summer.
Statues can be bought separately or as a set with plinths on special offer, saving money and also qualifying for free uk delivery.

Special offer price: £1850 with free uk delivery.

Cherub Four Seasons Statues

We have cherub seasons garden statues also available.

Pictured to the right is
Prima Su Sfera
Height 106cm

Pitti Statue Plinth
Height 61cm

An overall height with the plinth of 167cm
Free UK delivery on orders over £500

The picture shows this garden statue in Patonata (antiqued). This option allows the detail of the original carving to come through. An agent is manually applied to the statue surface and worked into the grooves and creases enhancing the visual aspect of the piece.
Also available upon request in a straight white finish..
Make sure you've got clean hands handling the statue, as marking is real easy with a white finish, and as for bird droppings, ageing, mm.. Maybe better off inside if you chose to have statues in finished white.

Earthtools Home and Garden

There's so much more to choose from at the Earthtools web site, water fountains, large garden planters, concrete and stone balustrade and other home and garden products such as Rattan furniture and kids garden playgrounds..

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Statues from Italy

Stagione Inverno - Winter season concrete, cement marble statue

Italian Garden Statues has a huge selection of Italian made garden statues. All are made from reconstituted marble, white cement and finished by hand to a high standard. Concrete statues can be less attractive and more pitted, where as with these products the finish is a lot smoother.

Ornaments are all frost resistant and will last for many years. The collections include statues of all sizes to suit most budgets, from 60 cm to over 2 metres in height. Some of the more popular designs are kept in stock.

Pedestals and staute plinths are also available to suit the range on sale.
Follow this link for cement concrete statues